Body warm ups are always exciting with Mrs. Kneeland!
We were expressing our lion and mouse interpretations.
The students were put in groups of three at six different stations around the room. At each station, there was one of the following hats: pirate, cowboy, knight, witch, baseball cap, chef.
The students worked together to "tell a story" about who might be wearing the hat. They collaborated and created sentences answering the six big questions: who, what, where, why, when, and how. Then they read the sentences to our class working on projection, emotion and fluency. As always, the students gave such positive feedback to their friends after their mini "performances". An extension of this lesson is to have each group use the sentences they wrote creating the character they would imagine and write a story about that character. We're all looking forward to next week when we get to try out reader's theater.
I was lucky enough to observe Melissa in Elizabeth's class during this lesson. What fun!