Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Final Four

This week we met to narrow down our script choices. Based on student's ability to attend our final AIM Showcase at the Mabel Tainter Theater, we chose 4 scripts for our focus. We surveyed students to get their choice of non-speaking, narrator, main character or other character roles. Then, based on the results, we placed any playwrights of the chosen scripts, in to their scripts first. Next, we assigned students to their preferred choices, paying attention to the combination of personality and abilities in each scripted group. Students that are unable to make the showcase were then placed with a script to act as a support team. Basically, we mixed all three 3rd grade classrooms together similar to our first showcase efforts.

Melissa shared her ideas about scene and backdrop designs before we met with our four groups. She displayed several examples and asked students about their ideas for materials used. Standup props were another example of utilizing simple items for an impact. Students shared some ideas for costumes too, but we wanted to keep the focus on the set first.

We announced the final four scripts and names of students assigned to each and the groups reported to separate classrooms to begin their work. We each worked with a script and Cindy's student-teacher Logan was assigned a group too. Melissa checked in with all four groups as we sat and read through the scripts for the first time.

Students were excited to start this collaborative group work of creativity. I worked with the group that was assigned to the script, "Karl and the Root" based on "Jack and the Beanstalk". Students read through the scripts several times. After the 3rd read, they were making suggestions for subtle word changes, scene ideas, props, and costumes.

Over the next few weeks we will continue our rehearsals both with Melissa and behind the scenes within our own classrooms. It's a very busy time of the school year with state testing, common assessments and report cards finalized, but 3rd grade teachers and students are determined to make this work. The "drama" buzz has hit our rooms, can't wait for the final four performances!

1 comment:

  1. I know this time of year is so busy. I'm happy you're finding joy in arts integration projects:)
